Young Lions is a competition, run over a single weekend, to develop an ad campaign for a specified charity.
The winning team each year receives a trip to Cannes and fantastic exposure in the media.
This is my work from the past few years.
Brief: ivoteSA TVC
Does one vote actually make a difference?
Can one vote really change the outcome of a country? Many people think not, and choose not to vote in the national elections because they think, "what's the point" so we decided to show how different the world would look if one person had decided not to vote in 1795.
If not for that one vote, the official language of the USA and, most likely, the world, would not be English, but German.
AD - Patrick Pearson | CW - Zsa Perry -
Brief: Vision Mission Poster
The poster would be put up in movie houses to raise awareness about issues that
underprivileged children losing their sight face.
 AD - Patrick Pearson | CW - Mike Pearson
Thanks for the view.

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